Bangor Maine Portrait Photographer | Self Portraiture

For years I have been obsessed with self portraits.

It began with the fabulous Rebekka, one of the best-known artists on flickr.  I was captivated by the fact that she was somehow taking these gorgeous photos while being the subject in each and every one of them.  “How the heck does she do it!?” I remember wondering as I would set up my point and shoot up on a nearby ledge or bench and hope out of the 50 or 60 jumping shots I would take, at least one would be sharp.

Yes, nearly all of my earlier self portraits were photos of me jumping, frozen in the air with my body at odd angles.  People still tease me about those jumping photos.  But you know what, internet?  I loved them.  I still love them!  I do a jump every now and then for old time’s sake.

As I learned how to use my DSLR, I started, once again, to play around with self portraiture.  But I became more shy about sharing what I had created.  I wasn’t hiding behind a jump anymore– my face was clearer and more prominent, and I felt awfully exposed.  Not only could I be critiqued for my modeling skills, but for my photography skills as well.  And, perhaps worst of all, I could be seen as a narcissist.

Here’s the thing, though.  Self portraits, when done right, are an insightful reflection of the photographer, just like a well-crafted poem or personal narrative distill and enhance qualities of the writer.  And thus I like to think of my self portrait endeavors as explorations of the self rather than ego-driven events.

I’m still trying to figure the medium out; it’s exceptionally difficult.  I would rather photograph anyone else but myself!  But I keep trying.