Portland Maine Headshot Photographer | Justine

I had been acquaintances with Justine, a fellow Maine wedding and portrait photographer, for a year or so until I noticed her Christmas card photo that she had created for her 2013 Christmas cards.  She had just attended a Star Trek convention (for those who don’t know, I’m a huge Star Trek: TNG fan), and she had her photo taken with various cast members.  I just about lost it when I saw her Photoshop “retouching” of her photo with Patrick Stewart:

When I saw the ugly  Christmas sweaters she had Photoshopped onto her and Patrick Stewart’s chest, I knew– I had to become friends with this girl.  I started to Facebook message her all the time.  I hoped I wasn’t being annoying, but I couldn’t help it– I had a friend crush on her, and it wasn’t going anywhere.  Luckily… the feeling was mutual.  I can’t say enough awesome things about this gal, and I’m pretty excited to be joining her next month to photograph a wedding in New York City.  I’ve got to say, that sounds like more like fun than work to me!

We spent an afternoon together before a session I had in southern Maine, and we figured we should hit the town and play a bit with our cameras.  It’s rather easy to photograph Justine, as her personality is rather… large, in charge, and delightful– all great things in my book!  We laughed, frolicked, and took photos of one another in the Portland Old Port.  It was, of course, a good time.

Here are a few of my favorites from that lovely afternoon.  By the way, you can see some of the photos she took of me here!