
Photographer Shootout | Portland Maine Photography

A couple of weeks ago I drove down to Portland to meet up with a bunch of other Maine wedding photographers for a friendly shootout.  No, a shootout doesn’t include guns (although it sure sounds like it!) but rather is a fun and entertaining competition where those participating have a specific amount of time to capture the best photos possible of the available models.  It was a lot of fun– it’s not often that we get to see each other in action, and it was almost as fun helping others get the perfect shot as it was getting the perfect shot myself :).  I’m so lucky to be a part of such a wonderful community of photographers, many of whom are dear friends that provide support, laughs, and constructive criticism when I need it.

We spent our evening on the Portland waterfront, working with three models styled for maternity, bridal, and fashion.  Here are a few of my favorite images from the shootout.

The bride was Marissa, an incredibly awesome model who didn’t think I was too dorky for yelling out “gorgeous!  Gorgeous!  You’re such a rock star!  Keep doing what you’re doing!”

And this was Erin, who is absolutely stunning.  I don’t get the opportunity to photograph much maternity, so it was fun working with her and showing off her beauty.

I am first and foremost a wedding photographer, though, so I focused my energy on Marissa, who was, as I mentioned earlier, such a rock star that evening.

We came across this awesome couple who was hanging out at the waterfront and asked if they would be a part of our shoot.  I was really excited when the bird happened to fly by at JUST the right moment.  High five, bird (or should I say high wing?)!