Awesome apps |

(Day 8/30 of the 30 day blog challenge. Read more about it here!)

I don’t know what it is about rainy days, but there’s just something about them that makes me feel incredibly lazy.  Since it’s a Sunday, I’m absolutely fine with that!  I thought I’d keep tonight’s blog post short and sweet and share a cool tool I just discovered via one of my brides on Pinterest (thanks, Susannah!)

I’m a visual person (well, duh, right?) and when I see a color combination I like, I just know that it works.  If I have to put one together though, color by color, I find myself completely blocked.  That’s why I now love  All you need to do is plug in a photo and it pulls out colors from the picture, helping you to develop gorgeous color combos for your wedding, home, website, or outfits!

Try it out and tell me what you think!

Kate Crabtree Photography reviews on her blog

A photo showing what can do