John Bapst Maine Senior Portrait Photographer | Jessica

It wasn't until our third scheduled session date for Jessica's senior portrait session that the weather cooperated and graced us with soft light and beautiful skies.  The third time's the charm, for sure!  I was thrilled when she wanted to work in a couple of Bangor's parking garages; although I love senior portraits in fields, forests, and other green locales, I always like to break from the norm and try something different.  I've always enjoyed shooting at these two parking garages (the light is awesome!) and we enjoyed the unseasonally warm weather as we shot together.

Jessica's a sporty gal (she currently plays field hockey, but used to also do track), and also loves science (she wants to do something with genetics research in the future, which I'm fascinated by!).  And, since she's looking to possibly attend school in Boston next year, it seemed appropriate that Jessica's portraits were taken in a parking garage.  There's a lot of them in Boston! :)

Here are a few of my favorite photos-- thanks for being awesome, Jessica!

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